Let us put the weight in your hands.
Most researchers understand the benefits of weighting and know how to work with a weight variable but don’t know how to calculate the weights themselves and rely on others / specialists to provide this for them. This dependency on others can slow project delivery times, increase costs and makes researchers less flexible
Tools available online are often very technical and require experience with coding or writing syntax which may be daunting for researchers that are less apt in this area. Other tools are part of a larger suite of tools that comes with a hefty investment. Some researchers are happy to have their fieldwork agency calculate their weights for them but when provided with a simple tool themselves switch to weighting themselves to ensure and optimise the quality of the sample and research.
Do you want to take weighting in your own hands?

We built SampleWeighting initially to solve our own ‘research pains’. We quickly realized that others find it useful too, and we’ve tried our best to make our product a simple, no-hassle and fun experience.
Our tool users
- Leading market research companies
- Respondent and panel suppliers
- Research departments
- Specialized freelance researchers
- Students - social studies field
Our philosophy
With our tools we want to make the practice of market research more accessible and pleasurable for the researchers. The Spinnaker Research weight tool is the first of many more handy and time saving tools to come. We believe that some of the tasks of a researcher can get mundane or tedious. By developing easy and time saving solutions to take care of these tasks we think researchers will find more pleasure in their work next to getting a higher quality of output of their work.
Having worked in market research jobs for over a decade we know the pains and pleasures of market researchers. Our tools are specifically designed for the research executive, whether junior or senior. The tools were available and in use in Microsoft Excel (using macro’s) before we thought of putting them online. The many positive responses we’ve gotten from fellow researchers and the simple fact that they kept using our tools were the reason for us to build this site. We hope that many more researchers worldwide will find our tools as useful as we do.
What inspires us
We’ve noticed that weighting is (even among researchers) a specialists field. usually one or two persons in a research company handle all the weighting. however, we’ve had some positive reactions that because of our tool people now understand what weighting does causing them to do more of the weighting themselves. that’s great! power to the researcher…